Options & Upgrades
The items listed below are either for additional services you can provide to your customer or highly recommended items that we feel are important for you to purchase. Make sure you check with your sales representative and understand what is and isn’t included with your system purchase.

Lettering Vehicle Wraps
We use the best graphics company in NE Florida and competitive prices. We offer all types of wraps and lettering.
Spare Tire
If purchasing a trailer, don’t forget to purchase a spare tire! Don’t get stuck on the side of the road!

Fluid Receptacle
Use this convenient oil filter receptacle container to store and drain your used oil filters.

Transmission Flush Machine
Don’t forget to service your customer’s transmission! Easy to use and very profitable service!

Spray On Flooring
This special coating protects your vehicle flooring from scratches, and oil stains. It is slip resistant and will insulate your vehicle better than bare metal flooring.

Portable Car Lift
This portable lift makes tire rotations and brake services very easy to perform! Very portable and lightweight! Call us for more information!

Custom Installations
We can customize our equipment to fit in your vehicles. Our new pickup truck system option is becoming a hot seller!

Customized Shelving for Trailers
Keep your filters secured in these cabinets that won’t open when your driving! Plenty of room for other stock as well!

We sell trailers of all sizes, used cargo vans and pickup trucks. We are a licensed auto broker. We are also affiliated with one of Florida’s largest Ford dealerships, GARY YOEMAN FORD.